Yokogawa AQ2200-342 Dual Attenuator Module

With built-in optical power meter for monitoring output power. Compact and lightweight dual optical variable attenuator.

Yokogawa AQ2200-342 Dual Attenuator Module
Yokogawa AQ2200-342 Dual Attenuator ModuleYokogawa AQ2200-342 Dual Attenuator Module pdf English Version   
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AQ2200-342 DUAL ATTN is single slot module equipped with two optical variable attenuators. It has built-in optical power meter for monitoring output power with an APC function which keeps constant optical output and simultaneously set the absolute value of arbitrary optical output. In addition, it also features shutter function which shuts off optical output. This module is effective in saving space on active devices such as optical amplifiers and optical transceivers, and also on optical transmission equipment testing and inspection systems.